Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Power Of The Internet

         I consider the Internet to be the first and most important breakthrough of humanity towards a level One/Two civilization. We are currently a level Zero type, meaning we are unable to leave the premises of our own planet and being on the edge of self destruction - in manners unknown, say in the nineteenth century. The Internet is such a powerful tool in understanding ourselves as human beings and as a whole (race/species), connecting people of all backgrounds towards greater understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. This understanding includes the space not just around our planet, but of our entire Solar system, Mars being THE first priority planet. The Moon is not a planet but has to be seriously considered as well, least for it's usable surface area - 37.9 million square kilometers, or 14.6 million square miles, and none of it is covered with water. Not a single square mile!! That is a lot of real estate. . . if it is not already occupied. Just to compare - Mars's surface is 145 million square kilometers, and Earth's dry land is 149 million square kilometers and twice as much water. So, Mars's surface is as big as Earth's dry land, even though Mars is half the size of Earth.
        Now, in order to start conquering other planets . . . wait, wait . . . did you just read what I said? Conquering is part of our primitive aggressive and mostly destructive human behavior, so deeply embedded in our minds that it takes years and years of deprogramming to get oneself just a notch above it. Well, this behavior is NOT something bad, it helped get us through for ages, but this is not how one should set foot outside his/her home (planet). Cautious - yes, ready to act - most definitely! But not aggressive. We don't want to leave home picking a fight just around the first corner. Not if we can avoid it. But that's another article.
     Well, if we want to recreate our civilization on other planets in and out of our Solar system, we need to first improve it. To improve it, we need a deeper understanding of ourselves, but more than that - we need to comprehend that the others are much more like us than we've ever thought, so learning more about each other is learning more about ourselves. And here comes The Internet - connecting people of previously in-connectable backgrounds. More than that - your background barely means anything online. The only thing important online is what you say and what you do online. This by itself empowers and frees the mind. The Internet society is freer than the colonizers in North America back in the day, because they are more educated than the average fleeing European small time thief or impoverished nobleman - both of those driven by fear and/or greed. The average online user is not a user but rather a student AND a researcher AND a thinker, tapping into the endless (already) and ever growing knowledge base that the Internet has become.
   And oh how the power elite hates that!!! They hate it more than they hate us peons. They tried to secretly destroy it by replacing it in secret with Internet 2.0, transferring the power over it in their own hands - which they still would love to and try hard to do. Nevertheless they are loosing this fight and loosing it badly, getting exposed on every step taken in secrecy. Things just blow up in their faces. And it's getting worse for them all the time. But that's another couple of entries on this blog as well.
    I will not even dare start counting the benefits of Our Internet. I will only mention that the purpose of this here entry was to point out that MRT (The Mars Recovery Team) is an idea, it is not mine nor will it benefit me in any other way but giving me the pleasure of seeing new and old researchers working together, people previously unaware of each other and people who have always sensed something is very wrong with the picture fed to us by the power and (dis-)information arms of the elite. If I see three people united under the ideas of this blog it would have served it's purpose.
So, I made a short inspirational video that I intend to plug into my next videos. Here it is. Enjoy! :)

P.S. Feel free to comment under this blog or under the video on YouTube, add me on Google or subscribe to the YouTube channel. I have a lot more in store, and I intend to present it in time and with decent quality.

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